
Auto Tag Regex

A regular expression, or Regex, is a set of characters that define a search pattern. The regex can then be used to search for strings by matching the patterns.

Example : Regular Expression for an email address


In Torch, you can add and save a set of regular expressions to make discoverability of data easier. You can use the regex to find data that matches a regularly used pattern or format which may occur in a number of attributes. The regex must adhere to the PCRE standards.

Add a Regex

To add regex, do the following

  1. Click the Auto Tag Regex tab.
  2. Click Add Regex. The Create Regex wizard is displayed.
  3. From the Create Regex wizard, enter the following details:
    • Name: Name of the regular expression that you are creating.
    • Description: Describe the purpose of the regular expression.
    • Regex: Enter the correct regular expression.

Click the Enable/Disable toggle button to enable or disable the regex.

  1. Click Save.

Edit a Regex

To edit a regex, do the following

  1. Click the name of the regex. The Edit Regex wizard is displayed.
  2. Make changes to the description or regular expression.
  3. Click Save to save your changes or cancel to discard changes.

Delete a Regex

To delete a regex, do the following

  1. Click vertical ellipsis icon.
  2. Click Delete from the drop-down list. A confirmation pop-up dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click Ok.


The Tags tab displays a table with following details.

NameName of the regex
Created AtDate and time at which the regex was created
Updated AtDate and time at which the regex was updated
Auto Generated
Data ProtectionClick to enable data protection for the respective regex.