Discovering Data Assets

Torch assists you to discover, understand, and use data sources. Once a data source is created, its assets can be viewed in the assets panel in the discovery window. To make discovery easier in a Data Catalog, two primary mechanisms are used: searching and filtering.

Search and filter panel

Searching is designed to help you quickly find assets in a catalog. By default, search terms are matched against any property in the data catalog, including a data source, table, column, or tag name.

Filtering is designed to enhance searching. You can select specific filters such as Asset Type, Source Type, Data Source, and Tags. On selection of a filter, the characteristic is displayed in the search bar. Click to minimize the filter panel.

By using the combination of searching and filtering, you can easily navigate the data sources that have been registered with the data catalog to discover the data sources that you need.

Asset panel

Based on your search and filters added, the data sources appear in the Asset panel of the Discover page. Here you can view the following tabs: All, Profiled, Unprofiled, Business, Quality Error, Watched Asset.

Click to do the following:

  • Add Quality Policy
  • Add Reconciliation Policy
  • Watch Asset